Visiting Us
We invite you to join us as we live life together, supporting and encouraging one another as we grow closer to God. We are a contemporary church community with conservative values. We believe in the essential doctrines of the Christian Faith, but allow freedom of opinion in non-essential beliefs.
We believe that we can better know and love God and His desire for us and our lives when we are in a community. We invite you to come and belong with us as we “do life together.”

Service Times
Sunday School
(All Ages)
Sundays @ 9:15 am
Sunday Morning
Worship Service
Sundays @ 10 am
Wednesdays @ 7 PM
What to Expect
We are a friendly church that enjoys our worship time together and usually spends time after the service to visit with each other
Being “real” is an important part of having a strong, loving community. We are not a group of perfect people who have it all figured out. And we don’t expect you to be perfect either.
We dress for church somewhere between casual and sharp casual, except for Pastor Joe who always wears a coat and tie. Please come how you are comfortable. How we dress is not who we are.
Youth and children are a big part of our community and join us in the Sunday morning service to participate in worshiping God and learning more from God’s word. A nursery is provided for children ages 4 years old and under, and a Children's worship time is offered each Sunday during the adult worship service.
We believe in expository (verse by verse) preaching. Preaching through the Bible verse by verse enables us to study all of God’s truths and revelations to better understand who God is and how His truths apply to our daily lives. If we are truly hearing from God through His Word, we must wrestle with even the difficult scripture passages.
We celebrate communion every week to remind us of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made to take away our sin so that we could be reconciled to a perfect and holy God.
We use a variety of musical styles to worship God, including a mix of contemporary praise songs and modernized hymns. We use many songs by Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Paul Baloche, Hillsong, and Robin Mark to name a few. Vocals, guitars, piano, drums and keyboards are all used by a variety of team members.
We invite you to join us at 318 Silver Lake Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412 every Sunday morning at 10 AM to worship the Lord together. We also livestream our services - click here to watch online!