Proclaim the Gospel and Make Disciples
To be faithful to our mission
Our Core Values
1. Faithful Stewardship
The wise administration of all gifts and resources provided by God in a manner that brings Him glory and advances His kingdom. This includes our Time, Talent, and Treasure.
2. Expository Preaching/Teaching
Teaching through each book of the Bible with a view toward meaningful application to our lives.
3. Accountability
Ultimately, we are responsible to God. In the context of the local church, we aspire to hold one another accountable to/for:
The proper handling of God’s word
Exercising Biblical counsel
The application of Biblical discipline and correction
Encouraging and exhorting one another in love
4. Outreach
Seeking to be like Christ, we strive to reach beyond our congregation to share the gospel, while serving those in need.
5. Doing Life Together
Recognizing that we are one body in Christ, we strive to share life authentically as imitators of Christ by:
6. Worship
The proper response to God for who he is and what he has done. Recognizing that worship of God should be the motivation for all we do, we worship corporately and encourage private worship.
7. Prayer
Prayer is the primary way believers communicate with God. God communicates to us through His Word and by His Spirit through prayer. We ask God to let His kingdom come, and His Will to be done in our church.